Research & Faculty Mentoring

Faculty Mentors: During their first year in the program, Scholars define their research interests and select a faculty mentor to guide their McNair Summer research project. Faculty research mentors assist scholars in selecting and designing a project that can be completed during the summer and supervise all research-related activities. Faculty mentors provide guidance throughout the undergraduate research process and advice during the graduate school application process. Mentors serve as role models and are an essential resource for their McNair Scholar.

McNair Summer Research Experience (MSRE): To prepare for summer research, Scholars submit a research proposal, complete Responsible Conduct of Research Training, and follow IRB guidelines for certification and protocol development when applicable. During the summer, Scholars conduct research in collaboration with their faculty mentor, provide progress updates to their peers and McNair staff, write a research paper, and prepare a conference and poster presentation. Scholars receive a research stipend and summer room and board to support their summer research.

UCARE & Research Opportunities: During their second academic year in the program, McNair Scholars are encouraged to apply for UNL’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) program or continue their research funded by their department. Scholars with a second summer in the program are encouraged to apply for Summer Research opportunities at a university of interest for graduate school.

This photo shows Zully Perez Sierra working with her mentor in an East Campus lab on her summer research project involving the use of nanoparticles to deliver micronutrients to corn.